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Humanize your digital selling experience: Communications


Humanize your digital selling experience: Communications

In a digital selling environment, it has never been more necessary to create an easy way to communicate with your prospects, clients, and teams. Clien...

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hiring contractors

Why Hiring Freelance Contractors Instead of Employees Can be Good Idea

One of the toughest decisions that many business owners are forced to make while working on particular jobs is deciding ...

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how to be a great boss

How to be a Great Boss - The Top 5 Traits of a Great Boss

Let's face it; a really bad boss can make your life miserable. On the other hand, a great boss can make you a better per...

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The Top 5 Must Have Business Apps for Smart Phones

Smartphone business apps are renowned for their ability to empower users to work while out of the office. For business p...

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The Top 10 Worst Time Wasters That Kill Our Productivity at Work

Humans are creatures of habit, and it's these habits which define how effective (or ineffective) we are in our day to da...

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4 Powerful Motivation Tips to Help B2B Sales Reps Make More Sales

As B2B salespeople, some of us tend to spend our valuable time on unproductive work instead of dealing with those activi...

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How to make more sales by getting over your call reluctance

What is call reluctance? For sales people, call reluctance refers to the tendency to avoid or postpone making phone call...

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Best Free Business Apps For Your Phone and Tablet

There are many options to choose from when it comes to the best free business apps for your smartphone and tablet. In th...

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What Great Salespeople Do - Habits of the world's most successful salespeople

What makes a salesperson successful? What do great salespeople do? Is it a divine gift or is it their daily habits and r...

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Read how the Securitas USA sales team went from 3 hours per proposal to only 30 minutes, increasing sales productivity by 600%. This translated to a 25% increase in their 2015 sales over prior ye

Click here to see this case study. ABOUT PAPERLESS PROPOSAL Located in San Diego, CA, ClientPoint a robust cloud-based b...

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Humanize your digital selling experience: Scheduling


Featured Blog

Tired of spending days trying to find the best time to schedule a meeting? Add your favorite scheduler, like Calendly or Google Calendar, to your Clie...

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