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4 Tenets of Exceptional Customer Experience

September 9, 2014

Satisfied customers are of the essence when talking about successful marketing. With no customers to come back again and again, your business is in trouble. Keeping your customers satisfied should be your number one priority. In order to do that, you have to make their customer experience positive and exceptional. Below are the 4 basic rules you should use if you want happy loyal customers:

  1. Customer feedback is your guide. Conduct a survey every once in a while and see what your customer actually think about a certain product, a service, etc. The best way to this is either by sending them an email with an electronic form to fill out, or by asking them and encouraging them to talk. This is one of the best ways to find out what your customers really need, what you lack, and what you can do to make it better.
  2. A unique customer experience. Your customer experience should match your company’s values and brand, and there should be always something unique that reminds customers of your brand and company. This is basically where technology jumps in to help you attract more and more customers, and to repeat the process whenever necessary.
  3. Be curious and innovative. Break the monotony. Change little things, however insignificant they may appear to you. For example, make it personal and include family members whom they spent most time talking to on the back of the bill. Your customers will appreciate it if you show you have thought of them, and you will earn loyalty. When a customer ranks you 7 or 8, see why they did so, and what is it that you can improve. If they ranked you 9 or 10, be sure to repeat that particular interaction. By constantly freshening up and improving the relationship with your customers you are bound to succeed. Business success is all about having great relationships with your customers.
  4. Well Trained and Dedicated personnel. Last but not the least, this is without a doubt, the most important factor of a great customer experience. As a successful business owner, you have to invest in your personnel to be professional, disciplined and dedicated to their work. It is basically a chain reaction: if you want your customer satisfied, this means employees have to be satisfied (with their job) as well. In order to do that, you have to motivate your employees and create a pleasant working atmosphere. This in turn will result in them being more interested and dedicated to their work. It is important to balance out: they have to be there for the customers and be proactive and friendly. If there is a conflict between your employees or between an employee and a customer, try to be there and to solve it personally and calmly. Don’t forget that however hard you or your employees try, there will always be an occasional dissatisfied customer.

Do you think that customer experience is relevant to your business? Feel free to post a comment below. We value your feedback!

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