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Affordable Video Production Software for Small Businesses

February 6, 2015

For any small business that is looking to produce their own video content, it can be intimidating when it comes to choosing which video production software is right for you. This blog will help you know which tools are a good way to get started with minimal investment.

Pinnacle Studio 18 

Pinnacle has long been known for producing high quality software, and the latest iteration reaffirms their reputation. Available in a range of options, even their basic package has all the tools you need to make amazing videos. The software uses a simple drag and drop interface, similar to iMovie on Mac, so even people with zero experience making videos will be able to use it. Even better, every purchase comes with a 6 week training program, so it really is a complete package.

Once you have learned the basics, you will be able to upgrade your software program, which will give you access to more effects. All Pinnacle Studio software allows you to upload your creations to Youtube, Facebook, and Vimeo which will make sharing content even easier.

Windows Live Movie Maker

While Microsoft Movie Maker has been the domain of high school film projects, the latest incarnation from Windows Live is a decent choice if you cannot afford to purchase video production software. It is free to download and it comes as part of the Windows Live Essential package.

It allows you to produce HD videos and add a lot of great effects, such as panning and zooming, as well as basic transition effects. Since it is fairly ubiquitous, there are tons of how-to guides and videos on the Internet, and the familiar Windows design means you should have no problems finding what you need (if you are a Windows user).

Adobe Premiere Elements 13

If you have any experience with Adobe software, then the Elements program can be a good way to utilize your existing knowledge. Like with the Windows Live Move Maker, Adobe is a very popular choice, so you will be able to find many online tutorials, especially on youtube, that will walk you through every step of the process. It used to be the case that Adobe was solely the realm of the professional, but they have made big steps in the past few years to make their software more accessible and easier to use for newbies.

Corel VideoStudio Pro X7

For a long time, Corel had a reputation for being the product line for people who could not afford Adobe. However, that never stopped Corel from making quality software at an affordable price, and their latest video production software is definitely their best.

The program has been streamlined, allowing you to organise your videos as you see fit and effects can be easily added and watched. Everything can be laid out and the software uses multiple tracks to allow you to layer content. Despite the low cost, Corel lets you produce content in full HD. Perhaps one of the best benefits of Corel’s software is that it comes with a free trial. This makes it an ideal product to try if you wish to start producing professional video content immediately.

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