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How to give an amazing online sales presentation

August 9, 2024

We live in a world and age where marketing has slowly become synonymous with the Internet. Almost all advertising tactics sales men and entrepreneurs use are related to the online environment. One of the biggest benefits of the Internet is that it allows people to practically sell anything online, including business opportunities. That's why more and more salespeople are now leveraging the power of the Internet to give online presentations and webinars instead of meeting with their clients in a physical location.

What's amazing about the Internet is that it allows everybody to give affordable or even free of charge online presentations to tens of potential customers at the same time. However, while some people seem to create astounding online business presentations naturally, others can only come up with utterly boring sales presentations which are unable to engage participants adequately. If you want to be part of the first category, here are the top 4 mistakes you need to bypass in online presentations.

Top Mistakes Made by Online Presenters

1. Looking in the Wrong Direction

Just as making sure you make eye contact with your audience when you present a product or service in person, similarly it's of paramount importance to look at the camera. Do not look at the ceiling or at your notes. Remember that your camera is your audience, and that's where you should look at.

2. Choosing a Complex Background Instead of a Simple Background

Professional presenters will also go with a simple background, such as a plain white wall. Turn around before starting the presentation and ensure you have nothing in your back that might get the attention of your audience.

3. Playing with Objects

When giving an online presentation, try to avoid fidgeting, playing with your hair or touching close objects. All this unnecessary movement can be a serious distraction for your audience. Additionally, remember not to obscure your face when holding up a prop or showing something to the camera.

4. You Space Out

When you move a lot in the background, you might look like a caged animal trying to escape. Conversely, to stay completely still can make you look like a wax figurine. Try to avoid these two extremes which make you "space" out from your audience. Instead, command your space just like you own the environment - and kindly invite your viewers to be your guests.

Remember, your presentation is a performance instead of a mere reading. Continue to engage and entertain your audience in order to win them by your side. Ultimately, your goal should be to sell your products or services and establish long term relationships with your clients.

Webinar Software

The first aspect you need to consider before giving an amazing online presentation is the webinar software to use. Needless to say, you have a wide range of presentation software to choose from. Some of the most famous are Google Hangouts, Webinars onAir, Skype, Adobe Connect, Cisco WebEx, ReadyTalk and OnStream. Each different platform comes with unique features, being specially designed for certain types of presentations. Two of the best platforms for offering business presentations for up to 100 attendees are GoToWebinar and CiscoWebEx. For multiple meeting rooms and no attendee limit, MegaMeeting is the best option. For a free quality option, click the "Meet" icon in ClientPoint.me. If you require recordings, use ClientPoint Enterprise, which has a built-in recording capability that will capture a video of the meeting. Once the meeting is over, the recording will be available for playback in the Table of Contents menu.

Presentation Software

The next step in creating your perfect online sales presentation is choosing the right presentation software for your needs. Of course, when it comes to presentation software, we all think of Microsoft's Power Point. However, in order to create an animated presentation that captures your audience's attention, you need to choose a more professional alternative to Powerpoint. Some of the most obvious choices are Prezi, Sliderocket, GoAnimate and Zoho Show.

Tips for Effective Business Presentations

Now that you are equipped with the right tools and you know what kind of rookie mistakes to avoid, it is time to ensure your presentations are both efficient and entertaining. Here are 7 effective online presentation tips.

1. Start with an Agenda

For starters, prepare your agenda and load it into the software. This will enable your audience to properly follow you and keep track of your ideas. For an improved communication, use annotation tools in order to highlight items as you advance into the presentation.

2. Make the most out of the Webinar Software

Maximize all the features offered by your webinar platform in order to enhance the presentation experience for both you and your audience. Use it to send invitations, view documents in real time, visit websites in real time, and present your ideas utilizing the embedded drawing tools and whiteboard.

3. Keep it Simple

Slides with plenty of text, images and colors are hard to read. What's even worse is that people will hardly remember these slides. Instead, they will remember huge headlines, simple words, bullet points and large pictures. Keep your slides simple for maximum efficiency.

4. Be Concise and Efficient

Another thing you can do in order to ensure your presentation goes as smooth as possible is to make sure you are concise and your ideas are well presented. Each slide should include about 3 minutes of presentation material. You should not have more than 15 slides, which is a total of 45 minutes.

5. Use VIsual Examples

We all know that a picture is worth 1,000 words. Try to find those pictures that really worth 1,000 words. When referencing online material, do not shy away from taking screen shots off the Internet. In case you also plan to use video, make sure it is short and meaningful.

6. Set Concrete Action Steps

Every successful presentation ends with an appropriate call to action. List these steps at the end of the presentation and make sure your audience knows exactly what to take from your presentation.

7. Leave Extra Time for Questions

Ultimately, you need to set aside at least 15 minutes for commentaries and questions. Any written question left unanswered should be reviewed by you after the conference has ended. You will definitely get your clients' respect for that.

The Bottom Line

You are now well equipped to create an outstanding business presentation to your potential clients on the Web. Win them over using the 7 tips listed above and don't forget to stay away from the top 4 mistakes usually made by online presenters. Keep up the great work you are doing and your success is at hand.

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