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3 Rules for Sending Tech Proposals

September 14, 2018

3 Rules for Sending Tech Proposals

Losing deals is painful. You may have the best tech solution out there, but it still doesn’t matter. As in anything, the tech companies with the best marketing win, regardless of how good their product is or how competent their team is.

If you want to win more deals, you can start by improving your proposals.
For example, below are 3 proposal issues that need to be solved in order for your tech company to win the most business possible.

1) Proposals should no longer be sent as attachments

They should be sent as interactive web links. If you send out proposals as custom web links, you can receive notifications and data back on how your prospects are interacting with your proposals. Once you get this real time data, your sales team is better equipped to close the deal. The other benefit of using a weblink for your proposals, is you can make your proposal experience interactive and high tech vs. static.

2) Proposals should include multimedia

Many decision makers these days prefer consuming information in video format vs. text. If your proposals do not serve information in via video, you are missing out on creating additional moments of trust, connection, and clarity for your prospects and the people they share your proposal with.

3) You should use automation to build your proposals

It’s likely that you use automation in many aspects of your business and already know how valuable it is. Automation reduces errors, increases scale, and ensures quality/consistency. You should be using automation in your proposal process to achieve the rewards that come with it.

Naturally, at this point, you may be wondering if you should build or possibly buy a solution that can help you achieve these results. If you would like for us to do a free proposal strategy session with you, and show you how our platform works, you can book a 15 minute call here to learn more.

Your solution deserves to win more deals. Upgrading your proposals is one of the ways you can get there fast, and we can help you do it.

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